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Goldman Sachs Bank AG, Zurich

Goldman Sachs Bank AG

  • Claridenstrasse 25
  • 8022 Zurich
  • Phone
  • +41 44 224 10 00

Bank Profile

Goldman Sachs has had offices in Switzerland since 1974. The firm had provided investment services to wealthy individuals and families for over 45 years, so the idea of founding a Swiss private bank was a natural evolution for the firm. In 1992, the firm was granted a prestigious Swiss private banking licence.

The firm identified a need among its global private clients to combine the Goldman Sachs service level with a Swiss-based discretionary asset management program. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Bank combines the advantages of access to all global resources of Goldman Sachs with the added benefits of Swiss banking secrecy and the safety provided by a legally independent fully licensed Swiss bank. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Bank provides a full range of investment management, advisory and investment banking services.