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Banque Alternative Suisse SA, Geneva

Banque Alternative Suisse SA

Banque Alternative Suisse SA

Phone +41 22 800 17 15
Address Rue de Berne 10 Fax +41 22 800 17 12
City 1201 Geneva Clearing 8390
Internet UID CHE-106.062.738

Bank Profile

Alternative Bank Schweiz AG (Banque Alternative Suisse SA, Banca Alternativa Svizzera SA), with headquarters in Olten and branches in Geneva, Lausanne and Zurich, is only operating in Switzerland.

The Alternative Bank Switzerland emphasises ethical principles instead of maximum profits. As the leading provider of ethical banking services and a pioneer in the implementation of social and environmental standards, ABS gives encouragement to the Swiss banking and financial markets. All banking activities are based on transparency.

ABS´s products and services are aligned with its client requirements concerning savings, investments, financial security, company financing, real estate and monetary transactions. Loans are issued principally in the area of social or ecological housing (also for private individuals), organic agriculture, renewable energy, as well as SME’s. ABS offers investment advice and ethical/sustainable investment funds.