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Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd, Geneva

Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd

  • Rue du Rhône 70
  • 1211 Geneva 11
  • Phone
  • +41 58 317 55 55

Bank Profile

Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd was founded in 1841 and has offices in Basel (head office), Berne, Geneva, Lucerne, Lugano and Zurich.

The family-owned Safra Group is a highly regarded name in global Private Banking with a successful long-standing history. All companies of the Safra Group are built on a strong financial foundation.

As of December 2014, the Safra Group had aggregate stockholder equity of approximately USD 15.1 billion and total assets under management of USD 209 billion. The Safra banks are in more than 150 locations worldwide and have over 29,000 employees.